Saturday, November 22, 2008

Things to Accomplish

While lurking through my favorite blogs, I read this short and sweet entry. In that spirit - I thought I would copy it!

In ten years...
- I want to be the mother of at least 2
- I want to be the Senior Pastor of a church
- I want to be living in a house of our very own!
- I want to be working on a compilation of my sermons for publication
- I want to be looking into D.Min or PhD programs
- I want to be able to speak Spanish

What would you like to happen in the next ten years of YOUR life?

1 comment:

Anglopressy said...

I want to learn to read Greek, Hebrew, Latin and (possibly) German.

I want to be teaching some or all of those languages somewhere for free. I'll probably have to use podcasts.

I want to have read the Space Trilogy at least two more times.

I want to have delivered a paper at SBL or some other academic association.

I want to have a beard. And for more than a few days.