Clifton started a new job with Child Protective Services in April which finally freed him up to participate in local theatre again. Hooray! I (Elizabeth) graduated from seminary on May 15th and received the preaching award for the graduating class of May 09'.

The very next day, I was ordained by the Southwest Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) after a 3 year process (and a 12 year faith journey).

Lots of the family was there!
Then, because May wasn't full enough, Cliff and I bought a house which previously was the Bakery!

The very next day (and I mean VERY), I was installed as the Associate Minister to Children, Youth and Families at Lakewood Christian Church.

We were busy this past summer with Vacation Bible School and Camps and while I was away in July, our newest nephew, Granger Clyde Reeves, was born!
The day after I got back from camp, Cliff finally got his wish of a new dog. Her name is Rika and she is just like I expected her to be - kind of dumb but really sweet. And of course, the cat hates every inch of her.

And to round out the summer, we utilized the $8000 housing credit from the government to get me a New-ish car. That's right. I traded in the 2001 Ford Escort for a 2007 Chevy Trailblazer. The gas mileage isn't as good, but it sure is a better car. Especially considering Cliff and I want to start a family soon. Our friends the Lind's call it the Grasham-Reeves Baby-Mobile.

Since then, life has been slowly settling down in the G-R home. Cliff and his father and grandfather just recently laid laminate-wood flooring in the former "man-cave" as we slowly transition the closed-in-garage to a movie room. We've also celebrated with my sister Arwen and my cousin Sarina as they have announced they are both expecting babies (Arwen in May and Sarina in April).
Lots to look forward to. I'll try and update more often.
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