Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The 2 Month Report

Gareth is now 2 months old.  He had his 2 month appointment at the pediatrician's office and we got all of his most current stats.  As of today he is:

13lbs exactly (80 percentile)
24in long (80 percentile)
And has a 16.5in diameter head (80 percentile)

Dr. Kemper said that he has big hands and feet and that he might be a big boy one day.  That would be very surprising!

Then, of course, Gareth had to get his 2 month old vaccinations.  Which turned out to be 5 SHOTS.  5!  Thankfully, Cliff was with me and he dealt with all the needle business.  And true to form, Gareth cried for maybe 1 second after each shot and then smiled like nothing had happened to him.  I still cried, of course.

Here is our precious baby boy:
We're so thankful to have a healthy and happy baby boy.  2 months down, a million wonderful days to go!


Arwen Elaine said...

Thank you for the very sweet post. How do you find out the percentiles and such?

Unknown said...

The doctor told us when we asked. Make sure to ask your pediatrician!