Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow means I don't live in Phoenix anymore

Today was newsletter day at church, so I had to write a short article.  And of course, because of the weather, it was about snow.  I decided to share it with you.  And some pictures as well.
It’s snowing today. The daycare is getting ready to release early, many of the local schools are releasing kids early, and I keep wandering into the front office to stare out the window as the snow piles on and on. Why is snow so entrancing? Why do I just want to watch it fall?

Well...probably because I rarely see it. I’ve lived in southern Texas most of my life and during college I lived in Phoenix, AZ so the likelihood of seeing snow was so limited. That Christmas song “White Christmas” always seemed silly, as I’d never dreamed of having a white Christmas. But now that I’m staring inches of snow in the face, I must admit that there’s a beauty here that I’d never thought about.

God has created a beautiful world, hasn’t He? Oceans and mountains, valleys, rivers, plains, deserts...what a wide and varied world we live in, a place of danger and safety, a life of excitement and calm. Sometimes it takes an unexpected snow storm to remind you to take a moment and appreciate that beauty, to appreciate God’s talented artistry.

So today, if you call or email, don’t be surprised if it takes a little while for me to get back to you. Chances are, I’m enjoying the snowfall, thanking God for such a rare sight in my life. Tonight it will sleet and later it
will all melt and we’ll head barreling into spring, but right now, now is the time to sit still and watch some snow fall.

Our house.  So that's what 3-5 inches of snow looks like.

Rika the Dog.  Her first snowfall.  She would walk in the powder, kick up snow and then try to eat it.  She missed a lot.

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